2011年12月13日 星期二


Oh Ya! I finally go to seaflower. Last Friday, I went to 新社 seaflower with my classmate. It is very far place. I rode my motocycle over a hour with my friends. And through the road in mountain, there is very turn. When I arrive the destination, my ass is very uncomfortable. The place is so beautiful, and also very cold. By the way, originally we expected going there in the morning, but it's raining. Until the noon, the weather became good. So we decided that time to there. Back to just, I love here. There are very flower's kind which is cosmos, sunflower and so on. But when we watched a half, it's raining again. We had to watch the exhibition in house.
We stay here until 4:30pm, we took the very picture.
And we went to eat dinner. We went to eat small pot. It's so delicious. I choice the Japanese taste.
In the so cold weather that we eat the hot food which is a happiness things.
And the day I had a happy recall with my master classmate.

2011年12月6日 星期二


Recently, I found a thing that someone sometimes say one thing and do another. I hate the feeling. So I tell myself that I can't do the same things. Because I hate, I also not let others think about me. Sometimes, I found when I know the truth, I instead not happy. Because that let me understand the reality more. I guest that if I don't know the things, maybe I will more happy.

Last Saturday, I change my hairstyle. I cut my long hair. Althought I not cut much, my hair length approaching my back originally. But now my hair length only over my shoulder. I am so sad and reluctant. But I have a new modeling that made me a good mood.

Today, I wrote the schedule after. I fonud that the day is going too fast. The month is December.

There is a active in this weekend which is school run. I remember last year I as a staff to command line, and I also can participate the lottery. I lottery a bicycle, which is Giant. I am so lucky. ^^

2011年11月30日 星期三

The Pier-2 art center

In Kaohsiung that I best love place is "The pier-2 art center." There is very special. Why I  say this? Because there is the art work in here. And every times be exhibited the different things. Like last week, here is a 大漢仔 exhibition. This is so cool. The big doll is very big. It height is over 3 meter. And it is so colorful. I show some picture to everybody.

And there is a special wall in the art place. There is a big picture in here.
see!  this is a wall. I love it so much.

And there is a tiddy bear house in the 駁二. I saw very cute tiddy bear. Some is act a worker, a tailor and so on.

ha ha ha. There is so best.^^

2011年11月28日 星期一


I was sick. I don't know why I was sick. From last Thursday, I went to NCU. And when I went home, I sleep later. I found that I had headache, sore throat and ronny nose. And I went to see a doctor. The doctor said that I follow the popular, the means express I got flu.

I hate the feel. Because that made me loss energy, and I have no vitality to do anything.

Last week, I went to Kaohsiung. I went to the 壽山 zoo. There is the white tiger, lion, crocodile, and so on. Among of the animal, which I best like is toco toucan. It is so beautiful. I like it mouse. And it is so tame.

2011年11月24日 星期四


Today I go to NCU, I go back and forth in five hours. I go to there by bus which is with video game. I play very much points. I feel that I am very powerful.

Yesterday, I used a new software that is photoshop, I felt it which is very stupid. Because  I can't use "Ctrl+Z'' to be previous. I should use mouse to link. That cause me doing the works for a long time. But the ending is making me happy, I got a good picture.

On Tuesday, the computer teacher who is my course teacher who teach autocad gave us papers. I got 100. I feel very happy. So cool^^

2011年11月10日 星期四

bad weather

I hate the weather. Because it's rainning continue. When it's raining, I can't do very much things. For example: to wash my clothes, to do exercise, and so on. Why can't I to wash the clothes? Because when I have been washing, I can't to clothesline. And the clothes are wet.

Today I go to Taipei by High Speed Rail. And I go to the station by taxi. I feel so terrible why is the taxi drive too faster that is spending ten minutes. It's raining, and the taxi almost hit the in front of car. But that let my friend and I have more time to buy the breakfast. So lucky~~

The weekend is the big day that is the Feng-Chia Unversity's 50th birthday. There are a concert and a garden party is this day. And the president will come here to plant trees to celebrate the day. I think FCU will lively. And I forward the thing is on Monday because I can stay in home. My school will let us break.

Hope my English grade is not too bad, please.

2011年11月3日 星期四

too affraid

Tomorrow I have a middle test which subject is English. But I am so affraid of it. Because I don't have ideal to prepare this.

Yesterday, I watched TV about DIY program. The host taught the audience how to make the cute charm by clay. This is so cool. I like it very much. So I want to buy the material to try. I thaugh I can do the same sample.

This week is so hot. I hate the weather. Sometimes is hot but sometimes is cold. I guest the weather is broken.

Suddenly, I got a good news. My aunt sent a message to me that is my older sister birth a baby. The baby is girl. I look forward to see the cute baby. In particular, the baby is girl.

This week I have very mood. So colorful.  : ]

2011年10月26日 星期三


Yesterday, I found the sinister of the social. Original those who be looks good, but they calculation you at all. So why somebody says that no really friends when you were work. I had some sad. Because I trust any things any people for good.

Tomorrow, I have a test of English. I affraid of this. Because I have not enough understand of this subjuct.

This weekend, I want to Kaohsiung play. I will go to 旗津 to see the sunset.
I feel I have very things to do, but  have no idea and energy to finish. I guest that I will have some time to think clearly. And I have more idea.

I want to shop. I want very much things.

2011年10月20日 星期四

My birthday

On October20 is my birthday. I have a wonderful day. Because I got blessing very much, including my teacher, my classmates, my community and my family. But this day I had get up very early, I went to National Chung Hsing University to help annual meetings report. At afternoon, my teacher and my lab’s mates gave me surprise, they prepare a birthday pie for me, and sing a birthday song to me.
At night, my classmates celebrate to me together, we went to eat now cook. And last they prepare a birthday cake for me and my friends. Why for me and my friends? The answer is our birthday is approaching. One is me, on October 20; and a girl’s birthday on October 22; and a boy’s birthday on October30. Look!! Our birthday is very near.
Summary, I have a wonderful birthday. I will remember this day for good.

2011年10月13日 星期四

eat week

This week I eat very much.
On Tuesday, I went to 鼎王 eat "Mandarin duck pot" with my labmates.
The spicy is so tasty that let me eat two bale of rice.
On Wednesday, I went to 易鼎活蝦 eat shrimp.
There are very cuisine of shrimp.
By the way, the shrimp is Thai shrimp.
Oh my god! It is so delicious.
And this saturday is a good day.
Becuase my cousin will wedding. And his wife is so beautiful.
And I will go to his wedding space to eat dinner.
So this week I eat very delicious food.

2011年10月6日 星期四

busy week

This Week I felt too tired. But I didn't do things so much. I thought that I was sick because turn up the airconditioning too long on Tuesday. Recent, the weather changed too much. Today is so hot, but tomorrow will become cold. I hate it!

This Saturday is a big day. Because that day is my friend's wedding day. I will go to her wedding to congratulations her. Her husband is a nice man. I am evny her.

There is a activity at Sun Moon Lake , that is a firework show. My classmates will go to there play and appreciate the show, I want to go together. But I can't go, because I have to go to my friend wedding. I am so sad. That's OK, I can see it from TV.

2011年9月29日 星期四

so tired

The week I do the paper proposal, I write about 30 pages. I use 12 hours to do it for a day, so when I do a paragraph I go to bed, and I wake up when I do the thing continued.
Today is thursday, I finish the paper proposal. My mind is more comfortably, because I do the things over.
Yesterday is teacher' day, I and classmates give teacher a card together. So my teacher ate 薑母鴨 with me and my lab's partner. Until eleven o'clock, we went home together.
Tomorrow is Friday, we will conduct welcome flashman. So we will go to eat dinner. But I guest that my classmates will drink beer very much. Really, I hate the feel.