2011年11月10日 星期四

bad weather

I hate the weather. Because it's rainning continue. When it's raining, I can't do very much things. For example: to wash my clothes, to do exercise, and so on. Why can't I to wash the clothes? Because when I have been washing, I can't to clothesline. And the clothes are wet.

Today I go to Taipei by High Speed Rail. And I go to the station by taxi. I feel so terrible why is the taxi drive too faster that is spending ten minutes. It's raining, and the taxi almost hit the in front of car. But that let my friend and I have more time to buy the breakfast. So lucky~~

The weekend is the big day that is the Feng-Chia Unversity's 50th birthday. There are a concert and a garden party is this day. And the president will come here to plant trees to celebrate the day. I think FCU will lively. And I forward the thing is on Monday because I can stay in home. My school will let us break.

Hope my English grade is not too bad, please.

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